Videos showing banana fibre woven into bashofu cloth
Videos showing banana fibre woven into bashofu cloth
Bashofu weaving includes the preparation of the warp (twisting, dyeing, warping, etc.), the weaving itself and a number of post-weaving steps to be taken to finish the weave.
TEWAZA - Kijoka Banana Fiber Cloth
TEWAZA - Kijoka Banana Fiber Cloth
Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square
February 2017 in Kijoka (Okinawa, Japan)
5 min
Bashofu weaving at Yoron Minzoku-mura - 2012
Bashofu weaving at Yoron Minzoku-mura - 2012
from MrHuraibo's YouTube channel - place Yoron Minzoku-mura on Yoron Island (Kagoshima-Prefecture, Japan)
twisting yarn & warping
3 min
warping (with another tool)
2 min 56 sec
winding up the warp
3 min 21 sec
threading warp through heddles
2 min 19 sec
2 min 57 sec
finishing the weave
3 min 45 sec